Protect Your Employees And Your Bottom Line.

Average cost of injury

Lost days of work

Employer cost for overexertion injuries

Compensation costs, lost wages, and lost productivity

 Our proprietary TeamWatch Technology uses artificial intelligence on your existing hardware to help reduce injuries and worker’s compensation claims caused by improper movements.

Become a Safety Pioneer

We are offering special discounts to new subscribers for a limited time.

How It Works

1. We leverage your existing security footage

Existing security feeds of loading docks, shipping and packing stations, warehouses, manufacturing or other high risk areas are used as the input for TeamWatch technology. We can audit security footage of your choosing or even setup a live connection for immediate alerts.

2. TeamWatch analyzes your security feed

TeamWatch software captures all human activity seen in the video and artificial intelligence helps to analyze your team’s biomechanics.

3. TeamWatch alerts you of potentially unsafe behaviors

We will alert designated safety officers or employees of potentially hazardous behaviors via e-mail or text to help your team stay safe.

TeamWatch Features

TeamWatch is the only solution that offers:

Seamless Integration and Immediate Results

No extensive training or roll out. We overlay our software on your security feed and send you the results.

Real-Time Updates

Quickly retrain your team and stop issues before they become injuries.


Monitor and share your team’s progress using our built in dashboards.


Audit fees will be credited towards the purchase of a subscription

*Requires 1 year commitment with 10 lines.